Who We Are
JustFaith Ministries was birthed in the effort to invite and prepare people of faith for the life-changing and world-changing call of the Gospel to help heal the world and, in so doing, experience a deeper faith, a more fulfilling life, and a community of care and vitality.
We’re changing the world
Since 2001, over 70,000 people have completed a JustFaith Ministries program. Together we envision a vast community of faithful people transformed by the spirit and leading lives of extraordinary compassion.
Our Mission
JustFaith Ministries creates transformative programs that inspire action to address the root causes of injustice while serving with love.
Our Vision
JustFaith Ministries envisions justice-driven communities advancing peace, racial equity, and a sustainable world
Who We Are
We are Religious and Spiritual: JustFaith Ministries embraces Jesus’ teachings and example on peace, justice, the dignity of each person, and care for creation. United with Christian and other faith-based and spiritually-grounded communities, we encourage all to live in solidarity with those who are disenfranchised and marginalized.
We are Anti-Racist: Grounded in a faith that seeks justice for all, JustFaith Ministries is committed to anti-racism. We are led by and work alongside those impacted by racial injustice. Through transformational programs, we educate, inspire, and equip participants to confront racism and eliminate unjust power imbalances by dismantling racist norms, policies, and practices.
We are Open and Affirming: JustFaith Ministries welcomes into our programs and into our community all those who have been excluded, disenfranchised, or treated unjustly. We are open and affirming of all people of every age, race, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, cultural background, socio-economic status, mental or physical ability, marital status, or any other distinctions of society. We invite all to join us in building a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world.

Meet our people

Kristin Dollar
Leadership Team, Director of Programs
Andrea Martin Gaddis
Director of Development
Heidi Villaluz
Director of Communications
Maggie Jezreel
Human Resources and Operations Support
Leila Oakley
Leadership Team, Director of Outreach and Operations
Chris Breu
Senior Advisor
Rev. Dr. Lewis Brogdon
Program Consultant
Tricia Hoyt
Program Consultant
Cory Lockhart
Program Consultant
Dr. Vicki Vernon Lott
Program Consultant
Dr. Vicki Vernon Lott
Program Consultant
Alecia Brewster
Board Member
John Ritter
Board Member
Lyle Scritsmier
Board Member
Tom Costello
Board Member
Audrey Douglas-Cooke
Board Member
Julie Stone
Board Member
Virginia Tanawong
Board Member
Bob Hunter
Board Member
C. Michael Litzau
Board MemberNews & Stories
We like to share a variety of articles written by and about us to give you a better idea of the many ways people have been inspired and transformed by the work of this ministry.

The Rightly Formed Conscience: Responding to the Call of Faith in Solidarity with Immigrants
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An Ash Wednesday prayer of confession, from America.
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