What our program participants are saying

What is different since I completed JustFaith? The way I pray; the way I eat; the way I shop; the way I parent; the way I serve; the way I view community; the way I view neighbor; the way I view enemy; the way I participate in church and community; the way I participate in policy issues; the way I begin and end my day.

Just Action greatly expanded my understanding of advocacy and it enhanced my advocacy skills. The print and video resources, small group discussions, individual and group activities provided a framework that I am actively using in multiple ways. Additionally, our Just Action small group developed a template that we are using for ongoing discussion and for future action around housing and related issues.

EngagingSpirituality is an excellent program and just what I needed. The connection of contemplation and justice is powerful indeed. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to strengthen their prayer life, and their ability to create positive change in the world.