Preventing Gun Violence: From Rhetoric to Real Solutions
Preventing Gun Violence Series
Find a group & registerWho is this program for?
Americans are divided on many of today's most pressing issues. Grounded in Christian faith, this program aspires to move beyond the divisive rhetoric of gun ownership versus gun control, instead inviting participants to discern solutions to the gun violence epidemic. This program is for Christians across denominations who are committed to ending gun violence – gun owners and non-gun owners alike.

Preventing Gun Violence: From Rhetoric to Real Solutions inspires and equips small groups to reduce and prevent gun violence in their churches, families, and local areas
Over the course of eight two-hour sessions and an immersion experience, Preventing Gun Violence transforms 8-14 individuals (8-12 for virtual groups) into a community of trust. Participants accompany one another in confronting the painful reality of gun violence as they engage in holy dialogue across their differences and discern how their faith calls them to respond. Together, participants explore data-driven research around gun violence in America; encounter stories, poetry, and art from gun violence survivors, faith leaders, and activists; learn spiritual practices to help process this emotionally-difficult topic; and receive practical tools for gun violence prevention. During the final session, the group is guided in creating an achievable step-by-step plan for taking action after the program is finished.
This program consists of eight two hour sessions, plus an immersion experience (more information below). All regular sessions include prayer, dialogue, active listening, weekly spiritual practices, and relationship-building. JustFaith Ministries provides all the materials and guidance you need to bring this small group program to your church or community.
Goals for Preventing Gun Violence: From Rhetoric to Real Solutions include:
Learn how our Christian faith calls us to respond to the reality of gun violence in our local communities.
Learn strategies for preventing gun violence in all the institutions, churches, and all networks of which we are a part.
Learn practical tools for advocacy, in order to create policies that reduce gun violence in our communities and nation.
Transform a collection of 8-14 individuals into a community of love and support. The members of your community will continue to encourage one another as you seek spiritual transformation and take action for justice after the program has finished.
Preventing Gun Violence consists of eight 2-hour sessions and an immersion experience.
Recommended group size is 8-14.Framework & Session Topics
Optional Get-to-Know-You Session
Beloved Community
Types of Gun Violence in America
Race, Gender, and Gun Violence
Trauma and Suicide Prevention
Fear of the Other (guest speaker)
Creating a Crisis Prevention Plan/De-Escalation
Immersion Experience
Preventing Gun Violence through Public Policy
Sessions include:

Want to know more?
An overview, sample session, and program booklet are available for free download.
What you’ll need for this program
There is one book used throughout Preventing Gun Violence: From Rhetoric to Real Solutions — Available through our JustFaith Ministries bookstore.

Need help inviting people to your small group?
We provide promotion materials to help you spread the word about your group and invite participants to join your group. Click below to download the promotion kit.
We believe strongly in making our programs inclusive and available to everyone
There are two registration options:
Option 1: Participants in the group pay their own registration fees: Participants pay individually based on a sliding fee scale of $35, $55, or $75/person. (There is no charge for up to two facilitators.) A minimum of 8 participants is strongly recommended. Scholarships are available for individuals.
Option 2: A church/organization pays the registration fee for all participants: When the group is set up, a church or organization will automatically be billed a flat rate of $280, covering up to 8 participants. For groups with more than 8 participants, the organization will be invoiced an additional $35 for each extra participant when the group begins.
The registration fee includes:
- Comprehensive materials for each session
- Facilitation scripts, guidance, and training resources
- Retreat and immersion guidance
- Adaptations for virtual groups
- Direct access to program staff for support
The book is the only additional cost and available for purchase in the bookstore.

To ensure our programs are not cost-prohibitive for anyone, all programs are offered on a sliding fee scale ranging from $35-$75.
We ask you to choose the registration fee tier that best aligns with your current financial situation. Paying on the higher end allows us to keep the program affordable for all.
If the $35 tier is difficult for you, please consider the program anyway. We ask that you decide what amount you can contribute as a commitment to the program, and send us an email at to learn about partial scholarship opportunities for the remainder amount.
What our program participants are saying
Preventing Gun Violence Overview, Sample Session, and Program Booklet
To get access to this program's overview, sample session and program booklet, complete the form below and you will receive an email with the downloadable materials.
Preventing Gun Violence Promotion Kit
To get access to this program's promotional materials, complete the form below and you will receive an email with the downloads.