Just Action! How to Advocate and Mobilize for Justice

Advocacy Series

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Consider your church, organization, JustFaith Ministries small group, and/or yourself as an individual...

Do you want to take action for justice, but you aren’t quite sure how to get started? Are you already taking action for justice, but you’d like to learn how to be more effective in your work? Do you want to get your family, friends, church, or community involved, but you sometimes feel you are the only one doing the work? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this program was written for you and your community!

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Just Action! How to Advocate and Mobilize for Justice guides small groups in taking sustainable, effective, and faith-filled action for justice.

Groups begin by discerning a justice concern they would like to address together. Then, with that justice concern in mind, participants learn how to stand in solidarity with those affected by the issue, mobilize others for action, and advocate effectively for lasting change.

Program goals

Goals for Just Action! How to Advocate and Mobilize for Justice include:

Deepen participants’ understanding of biblical justice.

Equip participants to take effective and sustainable action that reflects the values of their faith.

Guide the group in creating an achievable and time-bound plan of action, which they will carry out together after Session 8.


Just Action consists of a 3-hour retreat, eight 2-hour sessions, and an immersion experience.

Recommended group size is 8-14.

Framework & Session Topics

  • Discernment Retreat

  • Session 1: Storytelling

  • Session 2: People Power

  • Session 3: Nothing about Us Without Us (Guest Speaker)

  • Immersion

  • Session 4: Base Building

  • Session 5: Community Care

  • Session 6: Demystifying Advocacy

  • Session 7: Nonviolent Direct Action

  • Session 8: Next Steps

Sessions include:

Prayer and reflection
Discussion of reading
Videos & group activities
Spiritual practices
Integration of faith

Want to know more?

An overview, sample session, and program booklet are available for free download.

Just Action!

Need help inviting people to your small group?

This program promotion kit contains sample social media posts, bulletin announcements, email invitations, and more.

We believe strongly in making our programs inclusive and available to everyone

There are two registration options:

Option 1: Participants in the group pay their own registration fees: Participants pay individually based on a sliding fee scale of $35, $55, or $75/person. (There is no charge for up to two facilitators.) A minimum of 8 participants is strongly recommended. Scholarships are available for individuals.

Option 2: A church/organization pays the registration fee for all participants: When the group is set up, a church or organization will automatically be billed a flat rate of $280, covering up to 8 participants. For groups with more than 8 participants, the organization will be invoiced an additional $35 for each extra participant when the group begins.

The registration fee includes:

  • Comprehensive materials for each session
  • Facilitation scripts, guidance, and training resources
  • Retreat and immersion guidance
  • Adaptations for virtual groups
  • Direct access to program staff for support

Books are an additional cost and available for purchase in the bookstore.

To ensure our programs are not cost-prohibitive for anyone, all programs are offered on a sliding fee scale ranging from $35-$75.

We ask you to choose the registration fee tier that best aligns with your current financial situation. Paying on the higher end allows us to keep the program affordable for all.

If the $35 tier is difficult for you, please consider the program anyway. We ask that you decide what amount you can contribute as a commitment to the program, and send us an email at info@justfaith.org to learn about partial scholarship opportunities for the remainder amount.


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To start a new small group, please fill out the group request form.

What our program participants are saying

The Just Action program is a vital resource for any group feeling called to justice ministry. I especially appreciated the time allotted to applying the conversations to local problems, as well as the step-by-step guided process for how to begin advocating for those in the community who are being affected by the issues we identified. Wherever you are on your journey in justice ministry, this is an excellent curriculum for honing your sense of engagement and advocacy in your community.

Just Action greatly expanded my understanding of advocacy and it enhanced my advocacy skills. The print and video resources, small group discussions, individual and group activities provided a framework that I am actively using in multiple ways. Additionally, our Just Action small group developed a template that we are using for ongoing discussion and for future action around housing and related issues.

As always being one of those “behind the scenes” people, I have realized that I must do more to care for God’s creation! This program helped me to understand and focus those efforts. I have learned strategies and processes that will help me to get out in front and to be an agent for the change that needs to happen.