Disrupting Darkness Program Information Meeting

You’d never know it from Christmas pageants and drive through nativities, but the Christmas story was dangerous and subversive in its time, threatening an Empire that oppressed women, poor communities, and religious outsiders. This same story is equally counter-cultural today. Disrupting Darkness: Light, Love, and the Birth of Jesus is for anyone willing to uncover the true meaning of Christmas and discern how it calls them to live differently.
Additionally, for those facing difficult times in their lives, the festivities of the Advent season can feel lonely and painful. This series invites participants to accompany one another in bearing witness to the suffering and darkness of our lives and our world by creating a space for lament and healing.
Disrupting Darkness: Light, Love, and the Birth of Jesus consists of four 1-hour sessions, an optional half-day retreat, and discussion questions for an optional post-Christmas gathering. To read more about the program or purchase the materials, click here.
Join us on Wednesday, November 13 at 3:30pm ET/12:30pm PT to learn more about the program. JustFaith Staff Members will provide an overview of the content, general information, and tips for starting the program in your church, organization, or area. Register today!
If this date and time does not work well for you, please schedule a time to meet here