A Special Message from Jack Jezreel

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Listen to a message from JFM Founder, Jack Jezreel

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Hi, this is Jack Jezreel from JustFaith Ministries. I’m following up on our spring fundraising appeal letter that went out a few weeks ago. In that letter, I mentioned the story of John Newton waking up to the horror of what he was doing with his life, hauling human beings to be sold. 

And while waking up is a critical, profoundly spiritual event, it is just a beginning. In the case of John Newton, he would later become the spiritual advisor for a British legislator named William Wilberforce. 

Wilberforce, under Newton’s guidance, would become a champion of the end of Britain’s slave trade and then a champion of the end of slavery in his country. He helped to change the world. At JustFaith Ministries, we don’t feed the hungry or clothe the naked or unleash justice to roll like a river. 

What we do is inspire people who do feed the hungry, who work to end slavery, who inspire justice in a thousand places. Can I invite you to partner with us? A gift to JustFaith Ministries is a way of saying you want to see other people wake up, wake up to the realities of hunger, environmental damage, racism, and much more. 

And wake up to the call to be about the repair of this world. We thank you for being a part of the JustFaith community.