Program Overview

Faith and Racial Justice: Changing Systems and Structures gives participants the tools they need to address racism at a systemic level – whether they decide to work for criminal justice reform, advocate for fair housing, close the racial wealth gap, or end racism within the church.

In this faith-based program, small groups learn about key obstacles to racial justice that are embedded within our institutions, systems, and structures. They are then equipped to mobilize people and resources to dismantle those obstacles. Through a grounding in prayer, spiritual practice, and the Epistle of St. James, your group will leave the program ready to work for racial justice in your nation, local community, and the churches and institutions of which you are a part.

Before taking this small group program, we highly recommend taking one of JustFaith Ministries’ other racial justice programs, Faith and Racial Equity or Faith and Racial Healing. Both provide foundational information to understanding racist systems and structures. However, we leave it up to facilitators to decide what is best for their groups.