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All programs include prayer, scripture, reading, dialogue, videos, relationship-building and direct engagement.

What our program participants are saying

This new collaboration between Catholic Relief Services and JustFaith Ministries, provides the opportunity for all of us to engage in a movement of prayer and action for global change. A meaningful action that can have and international impact on some of the most vulnerable communities around the world, offering a concrete response to Pope Francis’ invitation to grow in fraternal love, and a community life that is grounded in service.

Vivi Iglesias • CRS National Advisor for Partnerships

EngagingSpirituality was weeks of amazing gifts. I have an ever-deepening awareness of God’s presence in myself as well as in the vulnerable ones around me. Each session was an invitation to explore ancient ways of connecting more fully with my Creator through prayer and in service. I have become more peaceful, mellow, and present with others. I’m blessed by how and where the Spirit has led me.

Ed B. • Program Participant

Participating in and facilitating the "Want to Talk" program was a game changer for me. Effective communication is the key to understanding as well as the path to furthering deeper relationships and healthier conversations which can only lead to a more equitable society. The program has instilled in me a very intentional inner voice that prompts me to "practice the pause" before responding. I look forward to attending and participating in more JustFaith programs in the future. I would encourage everyone to do the same.

Rhonda Rawlings •