Poverty: Responding Like Jesus

Kenneth R. Himes OFM & Conor M. Kelly

SKU: 978-1612616827 Categories:   JustFaith Catholic Program 1 Series:   Catholic Programming

Product Description

The poor will always be with you, Jesus said – but that doesn’t mean Christians have ever figured out how to be with the poor.

Pope Francis has emphasized a vision of a “Church that is poor and for the poor.” But growing economic inequality continues to spread across the globe. This book takes a fresh look at the role of churches, and individual Christians, in relating to poverty and the poor among them. A strong focus is placed on the biblical and theological roots of the Church’s commitment to care for the poor.

At times praised as a virtue and blessed as a condition, poverty easily confuses us, and we are often left doing little to nothing to make a difference with and for the poor. As a social evil and a burden, poverty has elicited many kinds of reactions among the followers of Christ. It is time for Christians to figure out what to do about it.

Contributors include Pope Francis, Pheme Perkins, Sandra M. Schneider, and Thomas Massaro SJ.

Additional Information

Print length 128 pages
Publication date May 25, 2018
ISBN-10 1612616828
ISBN-13 978-1612616827