What our program participants are saying

EngagingSpirituality was weeks of amazing gifts. I have an ever-deepening awareness of God’s presence in myself as well as in the vulnerable ones around me. Each session was an invitation to explore ancient ways of connecting more fully with my Creator through prayer and in service. I have become more peaceful, mellow, and present with others. I’m blessed by how and where the Spirit has led me.

The recurring thought that I had throughout my participation in Faith and Poverty: A Global Response was 'I can do better.' The program allowed me to make connections between my thoughts, beliefs and actions and the lives of others around the world. I was reminded again and again how interconnected we all are. I cannot fix global poverty, but with the knowledge and passion I learned in this program, I can certainly be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

I have been inspired and nourished by the Spirituality and Racial Justice meditative/mindfulness practices offered in this program and plan to continue to integrate them into my life. This spiritually inclusive module has provided me with a much needed common framework builder in our community to prepare us for the long haul anti racism work that must be continued in our communities to interrupt racist systems and structures.