What our program participants are saying

Just Action greatly expanded my understanding of advocacy and it enhanced my advocacy skills. The print and video resources, small group discussions, individual and group activities provided a framework that I am actively using in multiple ways. Additionally, our Just Action small group developed a template that we are using for ongoing discussion and for future action around housing and related issues.

We have really different ideas about a lot of things, but I think the main thing that we agree on is that we believe in justice. We believe that as people of faith, we need to be active in our community to make sure that all people have a sense of hope and that all people have equal access and opportunities to a quality of life.

As always being one of those “behind the scenes” people, I have realized that I must do more to care for God’s creation! This program helped me to understand and focus those efforts. I have learned strategies and processes that will help me to get out in front and to be an agent for the change that needs to happen.