What our program participants are saying

Everyone shared how much EngagingSpirituality has touched their lives. We all agreed that we can't stop here - that this is not just another program or retreat that we attended. We want to keep open our prayer space and grow in our relationship with God and we also want to be disturbed, to live a gospel life.

What is different since I completed JustFaith? The way I pray; the way I eat; the way I shop; the way I parent; the way I serve; the way I view community; the way I view neighbor; the way I view enemy; the way I participate in church and community; the way I participate in policy issues; the way I begin and end my day.

This module impacted me by opening my eyes and heart to the ongoing effects of white privilege. It moved me to be more aware of the long-term damage done to African Americans by historic systemic suppression and slavery.