What our program participants are saying

Following a 25 year career providing counseling as a therapist, I was curious to participate in the pilot for Want to Talk: Communication Tools for Divided Times. Communication skills were an important skill addressed with many clients. I thought this new JFM module covered many of the essential "tools" for effective communication in most relationships, especially with the recent challenges with so many controversial topics. I hear many people comment: "I just don't know how to respond", or "how do I have this conversation". This module will provide many skills that can make a real difference.

Everyone shared how much EngagingSpirituality has touched their lives. We all agreed that we can't stop here - that this is not just another program or retreat that we attended. We want to keep open our prayer space and grow in our relationship with God and we also want to be disturbed, to live a gospel life.

JustFaith was a major conversion in my life. The lens through which I look at the world—politics, economics, relationships, etc.—changed. I now see the world through the eyes of those who live on the margins, and ask myself how I can better serve my fellow members of my human family. Every segment of JustFaith awakened something deep within me that helped to form me in new ways, ways that were noticeably more compassionate than what I had previously been living.