What our program participants are saying

Our middle and high school youth group loves the Youth for Justice lessons. They provide just the right mix of discussion questions, prayers, and relevant videos with the hands-on, in-person learning that teens need. If you are looking for a program that relates social justice to Christian teaching, this is it!

Our Faith and Racial Equity virtual program (via Zoom) with 12 of us (including co-facilitators) exceeded by expectations! In addition to co-facilitators, 1 group member handled the "tech" transitions - what a blessing! This was a serious commitment for 9 weeks! My co-facilitators ordered materials, emailed group members and set up our weekly planning sessions. My role in sharing presentation duties was infinitely easier because of the detailed script and videos provided. The emphasis on Scripture and the guidance of the Holy Spirit increased our abilities to speak our truth and maintain hope dealing with the monumental task of acknowledging white privilege and the pain of racism.

This course has put race out in front of my awareness. I now see it everywhere, hidden in movies, newspaper articles, conversations. Somehow in the past, I didn't always notice, or was concerned about it, compared to how I am now. Reading books about race from the perspective of black authors has been especially meaningful.