What our program participants are saying

The recurring thought that I had throughout my participation in Faith and Poverty: A Global Response was 'I can do better.' The program allowed me to make connections between my thoughts, beliefs and actions and the lives of others around the world. I was reminded again and again how interconnected we all are. I cannot fix global poverty, but with the knowledge and passion I learned in this program, I can certainly be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

EngagingSpirituality is an excellent program and just what I needed. The connection of contemplation and justice is powerful indeed. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to strengthen their prayer life, and their ability to create positive change in the world.

I was a little skeptical of this program on my first day of the class; I was the only person of color and less than 50 years old and wondering if the course's material would even be relevant to my experience. I'm glad I stayed because I learned so much and was able to share so much of my experience and my community and the environmental justice work that I do from an urban perspective that opened the minds of all of my classmates. It was an awesome experience that I'd recommend to everyone.