What our program participants are saying

This module impacted me by opening my eyes and heart to the ongoing effects of white privilege. It moved me to be more aware of the long-term damage done to African Americans by historic systemic suppression and slavery.

I recently participated in The Land Is Not Our Own, and it has been a real revelation to me. The first step is awareness and knowledge, followed by action, and this program can be an important catalyst in one’s journey. I also received an unexpected gift of increased reverence for the wonders of creation that are all around us, an appreciation that, in the long-term, may hold the key to our very survival as a species.

Following a 25 year career providing counseling as a therapist, I was curious to participate in the pilot for Want to Talk: Communication Tools for Divided Times. Communication skills were an important skill addressed with many clients. I thought this new JFM module covered many of the essential "tools" for effective communication in most relationships, especially with the recent challenges with so many controversial topics. I hear many people comment: "I just don't know how to respond", or "how do I have this conversation". This module will provide many skills that can make a real difference.