What our program participants are saying

EngagingSpirituality was weeks of amazing gifts. I have an ever-deepening awareness of God’s presence in myself as well as in the vulnerable ones around me. Each session was an invitation to explore ancient ways of connecting more fully with my Creator through prayer and in service. I have become more peaceful, mellow, and present with others. I’m blessed by how and where the Spirit has led me.

We have really different ideas about a lot of things, but I think the main thing that we agree on is that we believe in justice. We believe that as people of faith, we need to be active in our community to make sure that all people have a sense of hope and that all people have equal access and opportunities to a quality of life.

Our middle and high school youth group loves the Youth for Justice lessons. They provide just the right mix of discussion questions, prayers, and relevant videos with the hands-on, in-person learning that teens need. If you are looking for a program that relates social justice to Christian teaching, this is it!