What our program participants are saying

One of the most important things I learned in this series is how much I didn’t know! I am far from alone: Our educational systems in the U.S. have white-washed our base of knowledge about our racial history. The readings, assignments and discussions in this series were constructive, even when difficult. We felt safe sharing our opinions, personal history and beliefs, and left empowered to take a stand against injustice. I cannot recommend this series more highly.

Participating in and facilitating the "Want to Talk" program was a game changer for me. Effective communication is the key to understanding as well as the path to furthering deeper relationships and healthier conversations which can only lead to a more equitable society. The program has instilled in me a very intentional inner voice that prompts me to "practice the pause" before responding. I look forward to attending and participating in more JustFaith programs in the future. I would encourage everyone to do the same.

We as a group were called to act on our faith as a result of taking JustFaith Ministries’ program on migration. A couple nurses are learning the Spanish language. Others are greeting incoming refugees to Louisville at the airport. One volunteers at a tutoring center that we visited on our immersion experience (Doors to Hope). One continues to volunteer at La Casita. All in our group feel empowered and competent to speak the truths and facts of our immigrant neighbors to others in our community. All have an appreciation of the tireless efforts of an immigration lawyer from Louisville that was our guest speaker at session 5. As for me I will continue to facilitate JustFaith programs at my church.